See Also


High School students selling cakes in order to raise funds for Amnesty

Our students and staff engage in a variety of charity fund-raising projects and events throughout the year. We have a core group of charities that receive our regular support through the ISL Charity Common Fund.

These include:

  • Friends of the Philippines, supporting school-building repairs and school equipment
  • Handi' Chiens, raising money for guide dogs for the handicapped in Luxembourg
  • Kenako, supporting an orphanage in Cape Town for HIV positive children
  • Turkey school project, supporting resources for the Orhaniye School
  • Fondation Stamm, supporting multiple development projects in Burundi
  • United World Schools - Ol Tuch, Cambodia, to serve the community from the Tampoun tribe
  • Global Issues group, supporting the local charity Femmes en Détresse
  • Emergency response charities: Médecins Sans Frontières, Red Cross and UNICEF

Funds are raised for these Common Fund charities via All School charity fundraising events such as the Community Charity Concert, Mayfest and the ISL Walk-a-thon. An ISL Charity Fund-Raising Committee meets at least twice a year to oversee any new applications for support from the school's Common Charity Fund and to review fund-raising efforts. To be eligible to come under the umbrella of the Common Charities fund, any new charities must be student supported and meet certain requirements such as having a specific faculty contact, a legitimate charity status, a local/organisational contact and observable/measureable outcomes.

Requests to support any other specific individual charities must first receive approval from the Lower School and Upper School Principals