Meet Semir
Learn more about Semir, Lower School Receptionist
Please introduce yourself briefly.
Hi, my name is Semir Nesic. I’m 28 years old and I come from Bosnia. I’ve come to Luxembourg as a refugee in 1996 with my parents and my brothers and sisters.
Tell us about your role at ISL
I’m the Lower School Receptionist and part of the Lower School Office Team.
How long have you been working at ISL?
I’ve been working at ISL since 2015.
What did you do prior to working at ISL?
I was working in a Luxembourgish “Lycée” as part of the administration team.
What does your typical day look like?
First thing that I have to do is check my calendar and check what kind of events are foreseen for that particular day (Concerts, Meetings…). Write down all the students that arrive late in the morning, send the lunch order to the kitchen, read and answer my emails, prepare the attendance for that day, take care of incoming calls and visitors. Label the Lost & Found items for the Blue Hats to take back to the students.Prepare the lists for our after school activities and bus pick ups. At the end of the school day I need to call the parents of all those students that were not picked up on time, in order to ensure that they are being picked up and brought home safely.
What do you love most about your work?
The contact with the parents, the students and the teachers.
What do you think is unique about ISL?
The working atmosphere and the energy.
On a daily basis, how do you contribute to making ISL the school of choice?
I try to be as helpful as I can to the parents and our students. I’m trying to make them feel “welcome”.
What are the most important skills a student should acquire today?
- Being adaptable in a continuously changing environment
How did you define the success of a student?
For me a successful student is a happy student that enjoys learning.
What is your best memory at ISL?
The best memory was when I came back from my parental leave. It was so great to see that the students and parents actually missed me and had plenty of gifts for my newborn baby. It just shows me that I must be doing something right. :)
Describe ISL in 5 words
International, Positive, Open, Unique, Family
Which question did we forget to ask you, that you would like to answer?
You’ve forgot to ask me about all the different languages I speak. So I speak English, French, German, Luxembourgish and Bosnian.
- Staff Member