Voices (ISL Stories)

Meet Jacqueline Cahill

Learn more about Jacqueline, ISL Parent Volunteer

Can you tell us a little bit about yourself and your family?

I’m Jacqueline Cahill and I am a dedicated volunteer parent within the ISL community. Our family is a Canadian Military Family and we were was posted OUTCAN (Outside of Canada) from Ontario, Canada, to Luxembourg in July 2021. This is our fourth and final year at ISL and we have been so blessed to have been welcomed into this wonderful international community. We will all miss it terribly!

How many children do you have at ISL, and in which grades are they currently in?

We have three children at ISL, in grades 4, 7 and 9.

How long have you been a parent at ISL? 

This is our fourth year. Our children attended the Back to School Camp in August 2021 and they began at ISL immediately following.

When you were looking for a school in Luxembourg, what factors or aspects of ISL made you choose it for your children?

When researching international schools in Luxembourg, ISL's mission statement, core values and its focus on the utilization of trans-disciplinary skills, struck us as most closely coinciding with that of the educational philosophies we value most.  ISL’s mission to ensure that their students are inspired, resilient and passionate led us to research further the ways ISL's curriculum and student support enable students to strive in their global world. Through that research, ISL stood apart, not only for its integration of world recognized programming and the development of its own standards and benchmarks, but most importantly for its investment in community building and engaging mind and body with extra-curricular activities. ISL’s hallmark is truly their flexible, innovative and differentiated learning environment. 

Have you had any previous experience with international schools before ISL? If so, could you share what sets ISL apart from other schools?

We had never attended international schools before being posted to Luxembourg. 

Could you share some of the most important skills or experiences your child has acquired while attending ISL?

In terms of academics, our children have developed extraordinary skills in communication, critical thinking and self-advocacy. They have become inspired and independent learners; building their own inquiries into curriculum assessments.  

One of the highlights of skill development for our children have been the Grade Level Trips. These have been invaluable to our children to experience learning as happening both in and out of the classroom. The trips have encouraged our children to take risks and to work through challenging situations. Most importantly, these trips have helped them to build community while encouraging environmental stewardship. They have learned how to care for one another and the world in which we all share.  

Last but not least, our children’s experiences with the NECIS sports program as well as the extensive extracurricular Student Clubs offered throughout ISL (ie. music, art, theatre, science, henna, rugby, LEGO) have been instrumental in the development of our children’s physical, mental and social well-being. Learning at ISL doesn't just happen in the classroom, ISL is a holistic learning environment staffed by caring volunteers, staff and teachers who strive to create opportunities for everyone to learn and belong. 

What advice would you give to new families who are just starting their journey at ISL?

Breathe! The first month is a whirlwind of information –don't worry though, its all on the Parent Portal! Now is the time for you to get involved! For those starting early: Attend New Parent Orientation, meet your Parent Ambassador, introduce yourself in your class WhatsApp group, attend the coffee mornings and Welcome Back night. If you are joining later in the term, join events! Plan a meet up with your children's class parents, get to know the parents of your child's new friends, and get to know what's going on though the newsletter. Chat, chat, chat. At ISL there are veterans and new parents just like you. We have all been there and we know. It can be hard and overwhelming to adjust but we have your back! Your children are in a great place and thier teachers and classmates have them. They will adjust fast. Now is your time to make connections too!  

Do you volunteer with the school in any capacity, and if so, could you share your experiences as a volunteer?

Oh goodness, where do I start. I love being involved. Over the years I have, and continue to be, involved when and where I can. I am a volunteer with the LAP-Learning Assistance Program, a program that pairs volunteers like myself with children that may need support or enrichment in academics or socio-emotional development opportunities. I love watching the development of these children learn more about themselves and their strengths and realize that they have someone extra in their corner. Its so much fun and I get to see them grow throughout the years. Its a wonderful blessing.  

I am also a Grade Level, Homeroom and Advisory Parent and I help share information from the school and Parent Community Group about upcoming events and important school dates etc. My favourite part is meeting new parents and building community through the organization of events and get-togethers. We also get to throw some cool end of year parties and help with cool events for the kids like the Trunk or Treat!   

I have been blessed to be part of the Nature Based Learning program. I have seen so many wonderful places in Luxembourg and witnessed children learn environmental stewardship while learning to trust themselves, take risks and have fun. It has been such an integral addition to ISL for many reasons but the most important take away for me was the impact Nature had on my own mental and physical well-being. As a volunteer, it was truly lifechanging. 

I am a proud member of the Neurodiversity Parent Support Group and an equally proud member of the DEIJ-Diversity Equity Inclusion Justice/Belonging. We support and learn from each other and we celebrate all our diversities and try to encourage the larger ISL community to celebrate with us. 

From your perspective, do you feel there are enough opportunities for parent involvement within ISL, or do you have suggestions for improvement?

There are so many opportunities for parent involvement at ISL. If you have the availability and desire there is always something you can do to volunteer or stay up to date with on the portal. If you have an idea, pitch it, ISL has always been responsive and welcoming to parental involvement. It is the backbone of our school!

When recommending ISL to a new family, what first comes to your mind as the strongest reason to choose our school?

Diverse and welcoming community, caring and inspiring academic leaders and extra-curricular opportunities. 

Can you describe ISL in five words that, in your opinion, best capture its essence and strengths?

Passionate, innovative, collaborative, global-minded, inclusive.


  • Parent