Meet Dorthe Obel
Learn more about Dorthe Obel, ISL Parent
Please introduce yourself briefly.
Hi, I’m Dorthe Obel and I’m Danish. I moved to Luxembourg in 1996 and I was working in Danske Bank for just under 8 years.
I met my husband (also Danish) here in Luxembourg, so I wasn’t “new-to-Luxembourg” when our children started at ISL. One of my biggest passions is ice hockey (for many years - I played since my teens), but unfortunately they didn’t have Ladies-hockey (and still don’t) when I moved “back then”. So I started to play golf via the bank, kick-boxing once a week and some tennis now and then.
I was (and still am) a stay-at-home-mom when our two boys started at ISL (in 2008 and 2009), so I had the time to do volunteering at the school. Very quickly I found it very rewarding. And after 10+ years at ISL I still love to be part of the Parent Community (now Leadership Team) and still enjoy a lot of other activities.
How long have you been a parent at ISL?
My oldest (15 years old) started in 2008, so this is my 12th year.
Did you have any previous experience with international schools?
When looking for a school in Luxembourg, what made you choose ISL?
As me and my husband are both Danish and we thought we most likely would stay here in Luxembourg for many years, that made us choose an international education, so our children could go “world wide” after graduation. AND - if we should have any chance to “follow” (and maybe help them) it would have to be in English.
What are the most important skills your child(ren) have acquired at ISL?
Independence and self-confidence shown in a lot of ways. The bonds they tie across nationalities. The team spirit from NECIS teams (that my boys have been so lucky to be a part of). The “appetite for life”. The believe that they can do/become ANYTHING they want.
What do you think is unique about ISL?
All the nationalities we have - more than 50 - makes it quite unique for our children to experience. Our “After School Activities” - the big range of offers. NECIS sports have been fantastic for our 2 boys - to travel with your team mates to compete against and meet other international students - to be hosted by families at the “away-games” (as well as we host them here in Luxembourg), brings a lot more than “just” competing.
Describe some of the things that ISL does above and beyond teaching and learning?
ISL has absolutely fantastic departments - Music - Art - Theatre - Sport - with fantastic facilities. The dedication from each department makes it so much easier for the children to engage.
What advice would you give to families new at ISL?
Be patient - it takes time to “settle in” at a new school and in a new country. And - don’t be afraid to ask other parents. We have a wonderful Parent Community Group with a lot of possibilities and engaged parents. :-))))))
When recommending ISL to a new family, what first comes to mind?
Diversity for sure - 50+ nationalities - Competing with/against other International Schools across North Europe (NECIS) in Sport/Music/Other skills building team spirit and friendships across nationalities and International Schools.
Describe ISL in 5 words
The best school in Luxembourg
Which question did we forget to ask you, that you would like to answer?
Did you forget anything???
- Parent