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ISL Embraces Sustainability Schoolwide

At the International School of Luxembourg, we embrace the full complexity of schoolwide sustainability.  

We are proud members of The Green Schools Alliance (GSA) which is an organisation dedicated to connect and empower schools to lead the transformation to a sustainable, equitable and climate resilient future.  It has in excess of 8000 member schools from more than 90 countries.    

The structure of our Schoolwide Sustainability Framework is research based and is best described as having four key components.

Student Learning is at the centre of everything we do at ISL.  That is why it is represented as the pivotal point of our framework around which the other three distinct (yet closely coupled) areas of influence rotate: Organisational Culture; Physical Place; and, Educational Programmes.

Monitoring Our Progress & Measuring Our Sustainability Success

Each of the four key components of our framework contain specific themes that lead to action areas.  

Our student-led Energy Vision Task Force uses the 53 metrics of the GSA Sustainability Tracking Analytics & Roadmap Tool (START) to measure, monitor and report about our progress. 

Our framework creates the foundation for us to maximise the input and impact from everyone in our community and it provides the compass we need to help us stay the course as we navigate our way to a more sustainable future.

If you would like to know more about our approach to schoolwide sustainability, Phil Keech our Head of Sustainability would be delighted to hear from you.

ISL Nature Based Learning & Schoolwide Sustainability

Our expanding Nature Based Learning programme is rooted at the heart of our schoolwide approach to sustainability.  

From Early Years to G12, our students experience a unique programme of learning in, through and for nature that provides them with hands-on learning experiences both outdoors on campus and off-campus in nature.

We believe this integrated and innovative approach to Sustainability and Nature Based Learning is a unique feature of our school.  

This kind of experiential learning creates a context wherein students gain a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness of all living things and the impact of human actions on the environment.   

Creating this bond with nature will inspire our students to be passionate about the natural world and resilient in their determination to make lifestyle choices that will preserve and protect it.

Fostering such a culture of environmental stewardship prepares our students to be the sustainability leaders of tomorrow.

If you would like to know more about our expanding programme of Nature Based Learning, our Nature Based Learning Team would be delighted to hear from you.